Last weekend was a fun weekend/adventure much needed for my dad and I. We got lots of bonding time...since my sis had to work on Friday and Monday of our visit....and we had to stay an extra night, but I'll get to that later. This is my third visit to Boston and I got to take my new SLR with me! It was fun learning and practicing, but I also slowed the travel pack down a bit stopping so often. I still have a lot to learn.
To sum up the weekend, there was lots of father & daughter bonding time, several trips to Trader Joe's (a day), wine from Chile, Belgian beers in tiny glasses, snuggling up to
Holiday Inn (better than White Christmas by the way), and lots of walking the city (its no Columbus you know, apparently we're in the top five for unfit cities!).
I'm still practicing editing photos in photoshop, hopefully they don't look overdone. Here are some of my favorites:

This picture was from our hotel on our extended stay. We ended up spending hours in the airport, and did get on a plane. They then made us all deplane and did cancel the flight until 5 hours later at 8pm. No so fun, but I did get some cool shots of the city.