Heading out to Colorado this week! Colorado has a special place in my heart. I think it's an incredible place and I only hope that I actually make it back to Ohio! I don't think I'd mind living out there for a bit sometime in my life. The scenery and the mountains are incredible. Why do I live in Ohio again? haha
I am meeting my sister out there and we're staying with her friend. We'll be in Denver and making our way to Breckenridge for a few days too!! Daydreaming of my last trip out there....
Lindsay and Greg were up for anything for their photoshoot (LOVE THAT!), so I took them to this old truck I've been eying in the neighborhood. I LOVE it! It just sits there...I'm not even sure if it works! I hope it never goes away because now this is one of my new favorite spots!
This week I shot a couple that I enjoyed so much! I'm so glad I got to meet them! They are both fun and really down to earth! Here is a sneak peak of their session!
I wanted to do a little experiment because I've been frustrated with my blog posts looking a little off. The colors look kind of on the wonky side! Grrrr... In photoshop they look amazing and just how I want them to look, then I post them and they don't look nearly as great. I know the difference might be in the color profile. The Pioneer Woman Blog does a good job of explaining it more in depth. Do these look different to you?
Columbus Clippers have a beautiful, super fun new stadium! I posted a few pics when it was under construction here. I went with my Aunt, Uncle, cousins, cousin's girlfriend and brother (not pictured). What's better than beer, peanuts, baseball game...and a cousin on the team!!? Whoo hoo!!
I began blogging because I've been inspired to learn more about photography and to journal my life to share with family and friends. I love to travel (when I have the means), spending time with friends and exploring new hobbies. Finding new creative outlets is so much fun for me, interior design and photography are my two current favorites. Please leave comment, I’d love to hear from you!