Good food, wine, concert and old college friends. Life is good! Last weekend my parents had a small get together with some of their college friends before they all went to a jazz concert in town. I came home mid party, but they were telling stories and laughing non stop! It was pretty entertaining, so I pulled out my camera for a few shots! Good thing they all had fun and hammed it up a bit for the camera! haha
Chicago was such a blast on the 4th of July weekend! I will definitely be heading back again this fall! We cooked out, took a picnic down to watch fire works by the lake Michigan, then drove up to Lake Geneva for the last day. Elaine and Gregg, thanks so much for hosting it was such a great time!! Lake Geneva
I began blogging because I've been inspired to learn more about photography and to journal my life to share with family and friends. I love to travel (when I have the means), spending time with friends and exploring new hobbies. Finding new creative outlets is so much fun for me, interior design and photography are my two current favorites. Please leave comment, I’d love to hear from you!